Data Security

Consumer Information Privacy Policy

At FirstPoint Background Screening, managing and protecting information is what we have been doing going back to our founding in 1906. We value the trust you place in us and are committed to respecting your privacy and the protection of your personal information. It is our policy to maintain the confidentiality of any personal data voluntarily submitted to us in writing or while visiting our website.

Collection and Use

FirstPoint Background Screening is a consumer reporting agency that supplies applicant screening services for employment, tenant, volunteer and student screening, to authorized organizations under the conditions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This privacy policy takes into account the information practices of FirstPoint Background Screening and describes the principles FirstPoint Background Screening follows with regards to information put forward by our clients, their applicants and employees and to other data we collect from third parties in connection with the services we provide.

Unlike large-scale data wholesale operations, we do not accumulate and store data. Our focus is gathering the data requested by our clients and delivering that data to them via a secured network. This transactional process allows us to meet our customers' needs while protecting and maintaining the privacy of both our customers and the data they are requesting.


FirstPoint Background Screening's commitment to system and data integrity and the protection of that data and privacy is not just the upholding of laws and regulations, but it is the very weave of the fabric that is our corporate culture. It was our cornerstone in 1906 and it continues to be our cornerstone as we begin our second century in business. Strict measures are used to store and maintain personally identifying information to protect it from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction by any unauthorized party while it is under our control. These measures include physical and electronic systems to safeguard the information with which we are entrusted.

Document retention

As a custodian of personal information FirstPoint Background Screening recognizes its obligation to securely destroy personal information. In compliance with Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act's Disposal Rule, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and other various governmental regulations, FirstPoint Background Screening applies consistent disposal destruction practices. Materials are shredded beyond practicable reconstruction by contracted professional shredding company.


If you have any questions about this privacy statement, you can send a letter or an email to the address provided below:

FirstPoint Background Screening Resources
PO Box 26140
Greensboro, NC 27402

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